reEarth… Rights of Nature

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Our film “reEarth …Rights of Nature” has already received several awards.

Click on the movie poster to view them.

reEarth Filmplakat

reEarth: The motion picture project about consciousness

This project is about reaching peoples’ hearts. We humans are a part of nature, linked in a web of life – yet many people are not aware of this. This perceived lack of connectedness leads them to feeling listless and uneasy, so that they experience the daily grind as an endless loop – their own personal Groundhog Day.

Possible reactions include:

unbridled consumption

physical addictions such as alcohol and nicotine

immaterial addictions such as TV and social media

escapes into pointless relationship dramas

Do you recognize yourself in this? And do you want to break out?

Then it is time to transform, to connect to Mother Earth from the heart.

Through transformation, we become conscious of being part of Mother Earth. This awareness makes every single day a revitalizing experience. Each new day presents us new ways and opportunities to heal ourselves and Mother Earth.

What does this mean in concrete terms?

Look into your heart! This will reconnect you with Mother Earth. Take it one step at a time. You can feel the Earth in your heart – your connection to Mother Earth.

You can create a flow of life – a new consciousness.

Bettina Behrend - Filmemacherin

Bettina Behrend: Artist, Filmmaker, Environmentalist

With tireless dedication and from the depths of her heart, Bettina Behrend co-founded the organization Rettet den Regenwald e.V. in 1986 with her husband Reinhard Behrend, an initiative that supports Indigenous peoples worldwide in protecting our precious rainforests. As the chairperson, she is not only a leader but also a passionate fighter for what our planet so desperately needs. Because saving individual areas is just a small step.

Bettina knows: It’s not enough to stop destruction in just a few areas. The true challenge lies in reconnecting people with Mother Earth – and this is precisely what she aims to achieve with her film “reEarth… Rights of Nature.” The root of the environmental crisis lies in our awareness of “separation” from nature. But we ARE nature! By connecting with each other in the great web of life, we heal both ourselves and the Earth. We transform back into earthlings and unleash the spirit of Indigenous peoples. We immerse ourselves in the strength of our ancestors – and this happens with every step we take together.

This extraordinary film is more than just a project – it is the culmination of decades of dedication, trust, and collaboration by the organization Rettet den Regenwald e.V. It took Bettina and her team on an impressive journey across three continents: Africa, Australia, and Latin America. Of course, challenges arose along the way – the pandemic, illness on-site in Ecuador, and difficulties in team coordination. Unfortunately, the film footage in Africa did not fit into the overall concept, leading to moments of doubt. But there was never despair! Time and again, she posed the profound question: Who will do it, if not you?

Thus, Bettina Behrend has brought this four-year project to a – hopefully triumphant – conclusion! Her passion and determination are truly inspiring examples of how we are all capable of changing the world and connecting with the Earth and one another.

Insights into the filming

cristina gualinga puyo ecuador
Shamane Gabal, Daintree - Australien
waorani krieger yasuni ecuador
gabal shaman still

Why is this project so close to my heart?

I feel the pain of Mother Earth in my heart and sense her inner call.

Join me on my journey. Small steps have their purpose. Each day allows you to heal Mother Earth.

Whatever you expect, do and think every day, everything can be a part of healing. Words, a smile and thoughts can have a healing touch.

This great project will be a motion picture in which I visit wonderful places and inspiring people. This creates healing on our Earth. Be a part of it!

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Bettina Behrend is also an author

You can find her book “Meeting the Wild Child” and readers’ testimonials here.


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